The Incoming Show of Total Solar Eclipse, linking Mathematics in the Context

  In keeping with the enthusiasm of the incoming total solar eclipse, I want to revive my presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific annual meeting last year on this very topic The eclipse that changed the picture of the universe. Here is the abstract, and linked to it is its utube video (find … Read more

Prime Numbers Paralleling Reality: Possible?

All non-trivial zeros of the zeta function have real part one-half stated Bernhard Riemann in 1859, a German mathematician whose contributions to modern mathematics, and theoretical physics, is wide and deep—a commonly known one is in structuring the layout of Einstein’s theory of general relativity (spacetime conforms to gravity). Riemann Zeta Function The relatively simple … Read more

Mathematics: Order and Reflections

Hello everyone, As indicated, this post is on the dialect of mathematics in exposing the deep reality of the universe—physical and dynamic. Voice of mathematics helps us understand this world, starting with simple algorithmic functions, and ceaselessly unfolding to rather complex and abstract hidden truths. Mathematics is the language we employ to make sense of … Read more